to Taxi Göteborg!

Book your taxi with the largest taxi company in Western Sweden by downloading our app or calling us.

Get into the right car

To make sure you're getting into a Taxi Göteborg car, look for Stig, the cheerful taxi guy, on the vehicle.

Book us in the Uber app

Uber and Taxi Gothenburg have entered into a partnership that means Taxi Gothenburg taxis are available on the Uber app during times when there is extra demand for travel.

We are looking for drivers and åkare!

Are you interested in becoming a driver with us? Or are you interested in other vacancies in the office? Look here among our vacancies.

Taxibilar står på led vid Göteborgs Central.


We take responsibility for the environment and your safety. We are working towards an electric vehicle fleet and we work based on the industry's management system Safe Green Taxi which is based on ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and ISO 39001.


With the most cars in town, we are there for you no matter when you need a taxi. Download our app in App Store or Google Play.

En stor ikon föreställande en taxi i sidled


We always offer you a safe and smooth taxi ride and we always strive to provide you with the best service. Read more here about traveling with us.