Prices and terms

Here you can find our prices and the terms and conditions for booking additional services, as well as bookings at Landvetter Airport and the Central Station.

Taximeter prices

Tariffs are of the “sum tariff” model.
This means that the taximeter calculates the price by adding basic fare + route price + hourly rate.

Standard rate for 1-4 persons

Tariff 1 (weekdays 9am-3pm)

  • Basic fee 61 kr
  • Stretch price DKK16.82/km
  • Hourly rate 590 kr/hour
  • Comparative price* 377 kr

Tariff 2 (other times)

  • Basic fee 61 kr
  • Stretch price SEK19.66/km
  • Hourly rate 597.67 kr/hour
  • Comparative price* 407 kr

Standard rate for 5-8 people

Tariff 4 (weekdays 9am-3pm)

Standard rate for 1-4 persons

  • Basic fee 89 kr
  • Stretch price DKK25.23/km
  • Hourly rate 885 kr/hour
  • Comparative price* 563 kr

Tariff 5 (other times)

  • Basic fee 84 kr
  • Stretch price SEK29.49/km
  • Hourly rate 895 kr/team
  • Comparative price* 608 kr

Standard rate for 1-4 persons

Tariff (time period)
Basic fee
Route price
Hourly rate
Comparative price*
Tariff 1 (Weekdays 9am-3pm)
61 SEK
16.82 SEK/km
590 SEK/hour
377 SEK
Tariff 2 (Other times)
61 SEK
19.66 SEK/km
597.67 SEK/hour
407 SEK

Regular tariff for 5-8 people, large car

Tariff (time period)
Basic fee
Stretch price
Hourly rate
Comparative price*
Tariff 4 (Weekdays 9am-3pm)
89 SEK
885 SEK/hour
563 SEK
Tariff 5 (Other times)
89 SEK
29.49 SEK/km
895 SEK/hour
608 SEK

Prices are inclusive of VAT. Other prices may apply to companies with contracts as well as in the case of special offers.

*Comparative price

All taxis in Sweden must specify a comparable price for a so-called type journey for each fare. The type trip is 10 km long and takes 15 minutes to ride. It includes the basic fee. Note that the comparison price is a calculation example. For example, if the distance is constant, but the journey becomes shorter or longer in time, the price will be affected.

Fixed price

All trips booked through the app and website receive a fixed price calculated at the time of booking and you can easily pay by car with card or Swish. The price is calculated by the distance of the mileage and the estimated travel time. The price cannot be adjusted by you or the driver afterwards. Waiting fee is not included in the price.

If you book via app and website and want to make several stops on your trip, you are allowed to book your trip to the first stop. When you enter the car, you can then notify the driver that you want to add more destinations and wish to continue the journey on the taximeter or agree with the driver on a new fixed price for the continuation of the journey.

Additional fees

When you travel with Taxi Gothenburg, there may be additional charges for your trip on certain occasions.
See the list below for our fixed additional rates

Gothenburg Central Station

29 SEK

This fee is charged by Jernhusen, which owns the central station. The fee is determined and regulated by Jernhusen and applies to all taxi companies picking up passengers at the taxi station.

Landvetter Airport

49 SEK

This fee is charged by Swedavia, which owns the airport. The fee is determined and regulated by Swedavia and applies to all taxi companies picking up passengers at the taxi station.

Administration fee

12 kr

Administrationsavgiften går till att säkerställa driften för och kring alla bokningar som görs via våra system. Avgiften tillkommer på samtliga bokningar som bokas via vår app, hemsida och växel.

Bilbarnstol och babyskydd

150 SEK

Bälteskudde finns i alla våra bilar och kostar inget extra. Bilbarnstol och babyskydd kan bokas som en tilläggstjänst. Läs mer under fliken för bilbarnstol.

Avgift för Executive-tjänst

650 SEK

Executive är vårt premiumalternativ för transporter, särskilt utformat för att erbjuda högsta kvalitet. Läs mig under tjänster.


Gällande taxa eller 50 kr per påbörjad 10-minutersperiod

När taxin är framkörd till beställd hämtadress väntar föraren mellan fem och femton minuter. Gällande taxa debiteras under väntetiden. Vid resa med fastpris är väntetaxan 50 kr/påbörjad 10 minutersperiod.

Utebliven resa

Full debitering för resan

Det är ditt ansvar som resenär att vara i tid till din bokade taxi. Om du inte dyker upp eller går att kontakta kommer föraren lämna platsen. Då åligger det dig att betala fullt ut för resan. Avbokning måste ske minst 30 minuter innan upphämtning.


50 kr

Vid fakturering tillkommer fakturaavgift 50 kronor, exklusive moms, per faktura. Fakturering kan endast ske till kunder som har detta betalningsalternativ avtalat med Taxi Göteborg.

Read more in our general terms and conditions.

Landvetter Airport

Available Taxi Gothenburg cars are waiting at the taxi corner, which is located between the entrances to the arrivals hall/international and the departure hall/international. You choose which car you want to ride with.

In case of pre-booked travel, the driver will enter the arrivals hall and wait for you with a name plate. Please remember to include the flight number and departure destination in your booking as we follow Swedavia's website for arrival times and updates bookings after it.

Time spent on the landing time before your taxi drives up:

No checked baggage - 5 minutes
Checked baggage - 15 minutes
Charter flight - 40 minutes

After 15 minutes, in addition to the specified time above, the driver or the switchboard will contact you. If you want us to wait further, a fee of 50 SEK per started ten-minute period will be charged. This assumes that you have provided a correct phone number in your booking and that you are reachable when we contact you. If we cannot get in touch with you, the driver will leave the location, and you will be charged the full fare for the ride.

We always offer fixed prices to and from Landvetter Airport.

Prices are inclusive of VAT and refer to the above mentioned locations. Travel to/from other locations involves other fixed prices. VIA addresses are not included in the fixed prices.

Please note that Swedavia's additional fee is charged for all trips departing from Landvetter Airport. This fee is charged by Swedavia, which owns the airport. The fee is determined and regulated by Swedavia and applies to all taxi companies picking up passengers at the taxi station. For more information, please refer to the additional fees tab.

Gothenburgs Central station

Available taxis are waiting at the taxi station, which is located at platform 1.

Even pre-booked taxis depart from the taxi station at platform 1. We are unable to meet you at the train platform.

Please note that we do not follow timetables for incoming trains and buses. If your train or bus is delayed, canceled, or has a different arrival time, it is your responsibility to adjust your booking or contact our switchboard to make changes. If you miss your taxi, the full fare will be charged.

Please note that Jernhusen's additional fee is charged for all trips departing from Gothenburg Central Station. This fee is charged by Jernhusen, which owns the station. The fee is determined and regulated by Jernhusen and applies to all taxi companies picking up passengers at the taxi station. For more information, please refer to the additional fees tab.

Car seat and baby safety seat

A booster cushion is available in all our vehicles at no extra charge. Car seats and baby safety seats can be booked as an additional service, and an extra fee will apply. You may also bring your own. Please refer to the additional fees tab for pricing information.

The number of cars with car seats is limited, and we cannot always guarantee immediate transport. Delays may occur with pre-bookings.

Children under the age of 9 months must be placed in a baby safety seat.
Children up to about four years old should use a car seat.
Children from around four years old, and up to at least 135 cm tall, should always use a booster cushion, facing forward.

Taxi Göteborg follows the Swedish Transport Agency's regulations and the Swedish Transport Administration's recommendations for traveling with children in cars.

Taxi van

When booking a large vehicle, the large vehicle fare applies. Please see the prices under the meter fare tab. The number of large vehicles is limited, and we cannot always guarantee immediate transport. Delays may occur with pre-bookings.

If you have booked a large vehicle and none are available in the area when your ride is due, we will send two regular cars to ensure you receive your taxi. The price will always reflect the service you actually use. If you travel in a large vehicle, the large vehicle fare will apply. If you travel in two regular cars, you will be required to pay for both.