Customer Service

Here you will find information about travelling with us, our booking conditions and how to contact us.

Bild på mobil med chatt med en fråga och ett svar

Contact Us

Would you like to get in touch with our customer service? Fill in any of the forms by clicking on the button below. We will handle your case and request as soon as we can. Processing time is about 3-5 days.

NOTE! You cannot make reservations or changes to your reservations by contacting us via forms. If you have questions or would like to make changes related to your trip please call our dispatch on 031-650 000.

To the contact forms

Traveling with children

A booster seat is available in all our cars at no extra cost. Child car seats and infant carriers can be booked as an additional service, subject to an extra fee. You are also welcome to bring your own.

The number of cars equipped with child car seats is limited, and we cannot always guarantee immediate transport.

Children should travel according to the following guidelines:

✓ Infants aged 0–9 months should be seated in an infant carrier.
✓ Children up to approximately four years old should use a child car seat.
✓ From around four years old until they are at least 135 cm tall, they must always use a forward-facing booster seat.

Taxi Göteborg follows the regulations of the Swedish Transport Agency and the recommendations of the Swedish Transport Administration for traveling with children in cars.

Bebis i babyskydd i bil

Traveling with dogs

In general, all our cars can accommodate pets, but some exceptions apply. To ensure you get a pet-friendly vehicle, please select the pet option when booking via our app or website, or inform the operator when booking by phone.

Our pet transport guidelines:

✓ Pets in carriers should be placed in the luggage compartment.
✓ Dogs may travel on the passenger seat if you provide a seatbelt for them.

However, our drivers always have the right to direct all pets to the luggage compartment.

We also follow the regulations and recommendations of the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Hund som sitter fint på trottoar

Lost and found

Our policy is to always hand over lost items of value – mobile phones, wallets, and similar items – to the police lost property department. You can reach the lost property department at 010-565 02 22. You can also contact the police at their general phone number 114 14. We do not store any lost items at Taxi Göteborg.

To the police lost property department

Police inquiry

Do you work for the police and want to get in touch with us? Police inquiries are only handled via email at The email is monitored only during office hours.

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